Rajesh Sachdeva, Optum Services Inc (UHG)
Can you test your application without being deployed to a static environment like Dev, Test, Stage etc.? and execute all your tests (no matter what the size is) as many times you want in a day? The answer is Yes. In DevOps or Continuous delivery model, the automated tests (Unit, Smoke, Regression, API, business logic tests & E2E etc.) are hooked up with application build deployment pipeline and executed in the background by the CI servers. The developer or quality engineers write a test first but are not forced to execute the tests manually. The tests are run automatically by a continuous integration tool. If builds are happening 50 times a day then CI server can execute your regression suite of any size 50 times a day and promote the code to higher environments automatically.
We are executing 2.5mn+ tests per day and in this whitepaper will show how we have transformed ourselves as a Quality engineering team and supporting more frequent releases to production with no testing phase. How the testing pyramid should like compare to legacy waterfall model. The technology is advanced and many tools available in the market which can help to create the test environment on the fly (within two mins) and you can test your code in cloud or transient env before it gets deployed to static environments (development/test/stage etc). Docker or Mesos is one such example which provides such flexibility; it can spin up app server, DB server and deploy the code to the transient environment within few seconds. And you can run thousands of your tests in mins for each build. This technique can potentially reduce the time waste resulting from manual test execution in physical environments by eliminating the entire testing phase in a software development cycle in scaled agile delivery. The testing feedback is given to the developer in the same build cycle without deploying the code to development environment.
Target Audience: All
Rajesh Sachdeva, 2016 Technical Paper, Abstract, Paper, Slides, Notes, Video.