Batteries in Black is a robotics team formed in 2007. After four years in FIRST LEGO League (FLL), a LEGO robotics competition for elementary and middle schools, the team moved to FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC). The team has been recognized many times for being an exemplary team in the robot competition, community outreach, and software development. In the past two years, the team was nominated for the Control Award, an award that recognizes the programming and software achievements of the team, at the World Championships. In 2015, the team received the Sensor Savants Judges Award at the World Championships, recognizing the extensive research and effort put into developing and programming custom sensors
Batteries in Black is powered by: Nikhil Murthy, Anshuman Radhakrishnan, Simon Chow, Siddharth Suri, Sameer Suri.
Past Papers/Presentations
- Brewing Java Quality in Android Robots - Kingsum Chow, & Batteries in Black, 2015 Technical Paper, Abstract, Paper, Slides, Notes, Video.