Chris Struble is a Senior Software Developer in Test (SDET) at Meteorcomm LLC in Renton, Washington. He has 25 years of experience as a software professional, primarily in quality and test automation, with excursions into development, agile team leadership, and continuous delivery. He holds an MS in computer science from Walden University and an MS in mechanical engineering from the University of Houston.
In his spare time, he writes music and fantasy fiction, and plays guitar and computer strategy games. He lives in Renton, Washington with his wife, daughter, and two cats. Find him at: chrisstrublewrites.blogspot.
- Generator-Based Testing: A State By State Approach - Chris Struble, 2020 Technical Presentation, Paper, Slides
- Breaching Barriers to Continuous Delivery with Automated Test Gates - Chris Struble, 2016 Technical Paper, Abstract, Paper, Slides, Notes, Video.