Darryl Nicholson has been VP of QA & Programs at Vesta Corporation for the past five years where he has morphed the traditional QA department into a modern, risk-tolerant culture focused on service delivery. He has the conflicting responsibilities of both Quality Assurance (where he is measured by the quality of the code release) and Project Management (where he is measured by time to market). Fascinated with the business drivers of software development, he has a unique approach to QA. A veteran of four startups (Preside, Oresis, Q-Optics/Elematics, Polyserve), Darryl is a strong Telecom Engineer with solid software QA and sales engineering expertise.
Darryl has a Computer Engineering degree from the Royal Military College (RMC) of Canada.
- Risk Measurement for the Real (and Imperfect) World - Darryl Nicholson, 2012 Technical Paper, Abstract, Paper, Slides, Notes