Jean Richardson, Azure Gate Consulting, LLC
Double loop learning is built into many Agile processes and is the objective of the lessons learned process prescribed by the Project Management Institute Project Management Body of Knowledge. In Agile, the purpose of retrospection at the end of an iteration or sprint is for the team to inspect its work processes in the last cycle and learn where they can do things differently in the next sprint. This helps them position themselves to deliver more, faster and/or with higher quality.
In traditional project management, the lessons learned process is designed to provide a basis for organizational learning specifically with regard to completing similar projects in the future. Within the human condition, double loop learning occurs whenever an individual changes her mental model, or understanding of how things work or how the world is, based on past experience or education (which includes self-education, such as reading or experimenting) and goes on to apply the new model in the future.
In life—its how we grow and become better, happier, more genuinely successful people.
This paper:
- Describes double loop learning and the theory it is based on.
- Helps the audience become alert to mental models in their environments.
- Introduces Positive Psychology concepts.
- Shows how Positive Psychology and double loop learning can be paired to deliver organizational learning.
Target audience: Intermediate
Jean Richardson, 2014 Technical Paper, Paper, Slides