Joseph N. Ruskiewicz, Sc.D., eBay
Developing high quality software is challenging. The quality of the software generally reflects the quality of the software engineering process used to build the software, which is subject to common pitfalls: unclear requirements, dated specifications, client miscommunication, and technical dept. Agile software development methods mitigate most of these issues by enabling smaller teams to incrementally build functionality at every step of the process. This has been shown to be successful in smaller to mid-size organizations, but can fail to deliver the expected quality when applying the method across a large, international organization with diverse functional domains and separate geographical locations.
In this presentation I will show how we have adapted the agile method to serve a complex, multi-level organization. We extended the method at each step of the software engineering process to include checkpoints that validate the current quality of the product. These checkpoints provide a common “definition of done” for each internal team, which ensures that quality is maintained at each stage of development.
Target Audience: Intermediate
2015 Technical Paper, Joseph N. Ruskiewicz, Sc.D., Paper, Slides, Notes, Video.