Robin Goldsmith, Go Pro Management, Inc.
Proactive SQA™ is a key basis of significant value-enhancing revisions to IEEE SQA Std. 730’s often-resisted “traffic cop” enforcement of procedural compliance. Although most of what is called SQA today actually is just testing, true SQA is much different from quality control (QC) testing. SQA can and should do far more, contributing proactively to assure the software process in fact does the right things well so it truly produces high quality cheaper, preventing errors or catching them earlier when they can be fixed more easily. This interactive workshop positions SQA and explains the six proactive functions it should perform to provide far greater value.
- Why traditional reactive software quality assurance is resisted and fails
- Working definition of quality that overcomes common definition issues
- The six proactive functions effective SQA should perform
Target Audience: All
Robin Goldsmith, 2016 Invited Speaker, Abstract, Paper, Slides, Notes, Video.