Moira Tuffs, 3D Systems, USA
Searching the internet for tips and tricks on influencing within your direct circle of peers will turn up multiple pages, but how do you know when your influence has travelled past your direct circle, and up the company management chain? Simple words and phrases used frequently in conversations, meetings and wide-ranging e-mails can convey a message or idea. Spreading the message wide gives a common ground for understanding and embracing it, which gives the opportunity for a sweeping adoption. Join Moira Tuffs as she explores the indirect ways a phrase or idea raised in a conversation can pass through a large chain of people and land in the lap of the CEO, or in this case, become the catch phrase for the company all hands meeting.
- Tips and tricks on developing a catch phrase
- Ways to be persistent without annoying everyone
- How to listen and interject your idea when appropriate
- How to develop a better understanding of who is who within your organization
Moira Tuffs, 2019 Poster Paper