Bob Stuart, Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI)
James Wilson, Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI)
Penny Allen, Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI)
From two static, shared E2E test environments that take a week to refresh and only when all planets align once or twice a year, to dynamic-only environments that can be provisioned with the right data and services in a self-service fashion; but how to get there from here?
In this session, you will hear of REI QA’s multi-year journey toward the lofty goals that so many aspire to. You will learn of the reasons for changes, the plans and projects that have been put into action, the reasoning and business justifications along the way, lessons learned and organizational adjustments, achievements to date and what is next in the roadmap.
Bob Stuart, James Wilson, Penny Allen, 2018 Technical Presentation, Abstract, Paper, Slides