Hao Zhao, Expedia
In a global environment, outsourcing development has become a standard and popular practice to add development capacity and reduce cost. This paper presentation will focus on how to maximize the productivity of offshore test teams.
This paper summarizes my experience working with several outsourced testing teams. Following a brief overview of the differences between onshore and offshore testing, the paper presents the strength of traditional offshore test teams and how to utilize them to improve test efficiency and increase development capacity; as well as the challenges and risks that test managers will confront when using outsourcing testing. Finally, based on real world experiences, providing several specific suggestions, strategies and examples of how to manage test team composed by both onshore and offshore engineers.
This presentation offers test managers an ability to use outsourced testing resources to increase development capacity efficiently while keep development cost at a management level.
2010 Technical Paper, Hao Zhao, Abstract, Paper