Rohit Naraparaju, Intel Corporation
The advent of new automated testing frameworks and tools has brought about a new revolution in the testing landscape. When used effectively, these tools and frameworks can considerable reduce manual efforts during testing. However, there still remains an area which deserves some attention and has sufficient scope for optimization. This is the setting up of the test environments. With virtualization gaining popularity, it has opened up a new dimension to how infrastructure is viewed. The world has moved from setting up a room full of test servers to virtualized environments.
Target Audience: Intermediate
Rohit Naraparaju, 2016 Intermediate, Abstract, Paper, Slides, Notes, Video.
Infrastructure orchestration is the ability to use this advancement in virtualization to spin up complex multi-node, multi-network test infrastructures dynamically at will, perform the test and destroy them when done. Ability to do this as part of a continuous integration or continuous delivery pipeline adds vast value to testing and brings down manual effort tremendously. A team which would otherwise spend days or weeks to setup infrastructure can now add value to testing the product hence contributing towards product quality. This paper details out how infrastructure orchestration along with configuration management can be used to automate test infrastructure setup to reduce the manual effort and overall optimizing the test cycle.