Jeyasekar Marimuthu, Intel Security
An ecosystem that consists of millions of managed nodes or internet of things (IoT) that communicate with each other will require diverse integration testing before the system is shipped to customers. The products and nodes that interact with each other are truly heterogeneous. They have few things in common to communicate between them.
Writing integration tests between products of heterogeneous nature needs a modularized approach that can isolate technologies, platforms the products run on. The runtime objects will have many uncommon properties between each other. An integration test framework should be able to handle the uncommon characteristics and validate the integration tests.
This paper highlights the challenges faced in such environments and some of the integration techniques developed to address those challenges. One of the testing techniques is to have developed an integration interface that hides the underlying native tests run on individual system and run the integration tests seamlessly across the enterprise. Some of the tests are SDK based and some are REST based. The paper also reviews some of the tools and techniques used in complex environments. Adapting to development process like Behavior Driven Development (BDD) saves significant amount of time to setup complex environments.
Target Audience: Intermediate
2015 Technical Paper, Jeyasekar Marimuthu, Paper, Slides, Notes, Video.