Matthew Griscom, MetaAutomation
“Test automation” is broken by inherent contradictions. The way forward requires taking a new look with new techniques and perspectives, but enables a vast increase in team productivity. MetaAutomation is a pattern language of six patterns. It provides guidelines, structure and rationale to move to a more accurate, focused and modern “quality automation,” with better risk management and quality productivity. For example, MetaAutomation promotes vastly better transparency and communication across team roles, better integration with other automated processes, faster software product development, and happier team members.
The presentation focuses on the six paradigm shifts that MetaAutomation asks of software quality practitioners, and how this impacts people of different roles on the software development team: the QA role, manual testing, developers, leads and managers, and executives. We will also review the six patterns of MetaAutomation and how they fit together.
Matthew Griscom, 2016 Technical Paper, Abstract, Paper, Slides, Notes, Video.