Jenny Bramble, Willowtree Apps
The idea of testing everything is a popular one, in fact, many stakeholders think that’s exactly what their quality teams do. It usually isn’t and can’t be; but how can teams communicate this? Join Jenny Bramble as she helps to pave the way using the language of risk-based testing. By defining risk in two simple parts, the team and project have a tangible and usable metric. She shares how to apply this metric and use it to determine where the team should focus testing, making it more effective and efficient whilst communicating that effort through the creation of a risk matrix.
As a result, risk becomes the right language for the team to communicate clearly and concisely with everyone involved in the project by using agreed-upon words and definitions.
Jenny shares her experiences and a set of tools that can be used to facilitate both better testing and better communication through the precise use of language and risk matrixes.
Jenny Bramble, 2018 Technical Presentation, Abstract, Paper, Slides