Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group, Inc.
We want to deliver quality products. Sometimes, it seems as if the world is against us: the developers can’t finish their design and code in time, the testers can’t finish their tests in time, or we’re surprised by the number of problems at the end of the project or even an iteration. We need to see our quality as well as our code or tests. Agile and lean can help.
In this talk, Johanna will discuss how agile and lean limit the batch size by either limiting scope or work in progress, and how each can help.
You’ll learn how measurements change when you use agile or lean and how you can catch problems earlier. And, you’ll see that some more traditional measurements are just as useful in an agile and lean project.
Bring your quality to the next level with agile and lean.
Target Audience: All
Johanna Rothman, 2016 Invited Speaker, Abstract, Paper, Slides, Notes, Video.