Dawn Haynes at PNSQC 2019
The Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference puts quality at the forefront.
Our conference programming emphasizes evolving technical, management, and process practices, plus the methods needed to develop high-quality software. We provide a forum for software engineers to network amongst their peers to share knowledge and exchange ideas.
How PNSQC is Different
PNSQC is a hybrid conference, combining some principles from academia in requiring a 1,000- to 3,000-word paper that is peer-reviewed, yet not requiring a full paper like a traditional Call for Papers. Instead, we open a Call for Proposals, which is a short abstract that discusses the merits of your potential paper and presentation, should it be accepted.

PNSQC Submission & Review Process
Upon acceptance, you are assigned two reviewers, who have a background in your subject. Reviewers assist and support you in turning your abstract and ideas into a paper you, and the conference can be proud of.
Writing an Abstract That Will Be Accepted
Unlike academic papers written by researchers, our conference content focuses on authors within industry sharing their experience and expertise as they implement technologies in their workplace.
We believe that people learn best by studying how other people in similar situations have solved similar problems, so we encourage authors to include the following items in their abstracts:
- Your organization, the industry you compete in, and what it takes to be successful
- Your role and where you fit in the organization
- The business problem that you and your team needed to solve
- Where you started and why
- What you did, including tools, techniques, methods, and processes
- Outcomes that resulted — both positive and negative — as we can all learn from failures as well as success
- Challenges that still remain and what you plan on next.
On our Call for Proposals page, we share many areas to spark ideas for you to focus on. Ranging from AI to DevOps, Agile and Quality Engineering, the six conference tracks can help you get from concept to proposal completion.
Alternatively, if you already have an idea, please click right through to the submission page.
The CFP closes on May 9. Now’s the time to share your knowledge with the software engineering community and submit your Abstract today.