Omar Alshathry, De Monfot University, UK.
In software development projects, the investment of quality improvements needs to be optimized in away that does not affect the cost and schedule aspects. However, as is currently practiced in the industry, software’s artifacts are considered equal in their significance and risk to the software life cycle with respect to quality improvement activities. The investment in activities concerning the detection and removal of defects is distributed evenly on the software’s artifacts without taken into consideration the risk and significance factors of such artifacts. Some software’s modules hold risky and significant architectural components that need to be of a high quality and a low defect density. On the other hand, other modules do not require a similar level of quality. Defects originating from modules of high criticality may contribute to a project failure more so than less significant modules. In this paper, we propose a model that helps the project managers to optimize the investment given to the QA activities of their software on the basis of the risk associated with the development process.
2010 Technical Paper, Omar Alshathry, Paper