Ideas for Technical Paper Proposals at PNSQC 2018!
New this year, our program committee added Session Tracks — a guide to what topic categories will be showcased at the 2018 Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference (PNSQC).
These software quality session tracks are designed to help funnel ideas into specific categories while covering the full spectrum of software quality. Keep these subjects in mind as you think about the paper you’d like to propose.
As we reach out to the software testing and quality community for abstract submissions, we hope to inspire technical papers with a broad spectrum of topics from all experience levels and backgrounds to contribute to our conference program!
Tracks Abound
This year’s conference theme is On the Road to Quality, and we want to hear about your adventures in search of it. PNSQC is seeking technical papers on tracks on the topics of:
People, Management and Leadership
This track is intended for managers and leaders who are navigating new courses. How do you oversee remote teams? Or implement more pairing or mobbing practices? What are your experiences with cross-functional teams versus cross-skilled individuals? Where does QA exist within a full stack team?
Topics in this area include:
- Project management
- Business analysis
- Collaboration and communication methods
- Leadership development
- People management skills
- Managing agile projects
- Risk management
Technology and Tools
Given the speed with which technologies move, consider PNSQC your on-ramp to sharing the tech that helps improve the development process. Consider writing a proposal to share at PNSQC if you know love making the most of Appium, use Docker in interesting test environments, or have insights into cloud infrastructures for improving customer satisfaction.
Topics in this area include:
- Open source solutions
- Code analysis and white box testing
- Cloud testing
- Mobile testing
- IoT testing
- Testing big data
- AI and machine learning in software QA
- Using test containers
Process, Practices, and Methods
Even the most seasoned of us can always gain more experience, by learning from successes and mistakes. Have you tried #noestimates?
Maybe a topic raised at work gathered some interest?
Wherever you are on your journey, someone is just beginning. Your experiences — good or bad — could be essential advice for new testers.
Topics include (but are not limited to):
- Agile and DevOps
- Process improvement
- Test techniques and test management
- Test-driven development
- Quality reviews
- Requirements analysis, verification, and validation, user stories
- Test environment integration
- User experience
Performance, Security, and Automation
Shifting gears once again, we are looking for alternative routes to get to a destination. If you have learned of new ways to test for vulnerabilities, or have used automation beyond regression tests, share your experience.
Topics in the Performance and Security could include:
- Reliability
- Performance testing
- Load testing
- Security testing and hacking
- Vulnerability assessments
Potential Automation topics include:
- Web test automation
- Mobile test automation
- API automation
- Continuous integration and delivery
- Using AI in automation
PNSQC is seeking software quality enthusiasts of all experience levels and backgrounds to contribute. You are your own best expert. No one else has been on the exact same journey you traveled on your most recent project. Share your experience on the road to quality.
Submit an Abstract
Ideas for technical papers can come from anywhere. Let experience reports, testing problems and your solutions, applying testing techniques, or impartial comparisons of tools or trends be your presentation inspiration. Proposals should be limited to a single topic. If you decide to submit more than one topic, only one topic (that deemed most appropriate for the conference audience) will be selected.
All submissions must be received by April 1st, 2018.
Submit a Proposal and view the Author Resources.
PNSQC’s mission is to enable knowledge exchange to produce higher quality software.