Kathleen Iberle, Iberle Consulting Group, Inc.
Have you been tripped up by unspoken requirements? Product owners who can’t articulate or simply don’t talk about their expectations for usability, reliability, understandability, and all those other ilities? Do you know some of your non-functional requirements, but worry that you’ve missed some? Or perhaps the expectations are on the table, but you’re unsure whether to handle them as a user story, or in your Definition of Done, or in some other way.
This paper will demonstrate how to bring some of the traditional tools for defining quality targets into the modern agile world. We’ll present a checklist of quality attributes, a set of agile tools for incorporating those attributes into your project, and some criteria for deciding which tool to use in which circumstances. Bonus technique: how to use a defect severity rubric to surface hidden quality requirements.
Kathleen Iberle, 2018 Technical Presentation, Abstract, Paper