Philip Lew, XBOSoft
Luis Olsina, National University of La Pampa, Argentina
Design and evaluation of traditional web applications cannot account for the particular features and usage contexts of mobile applications (MobileApps). MobileApps have several characteristics that pose challenges in their design and evaluation regarding current quality models and their included characteristics and sub-characteristics. For instance, user interface operability has a much different and greater influence when evaluating MobileApp usability and user experience due to the context of the user. Characteristics such as multi-touch gestures, button size, and widget usage have a magnified impact on task completion rates.
In this paper, we propose utilizing our previously developed ISO 25010-based quality models and framework so-called 2Q2U (Quality, Quality in use, actual Usability and User experience) as a basis to understand, evaluate and improve MobileApp user experience. Specific MobileApp task screens and attributes are illustrated in order to show our evaluation approach applicability.