Nathalie Rooseboom de Vries van Delft, Capgemini
Hobbies can be an inspiration for many analogies in software and system testing, but it can also be the other way around. I’ve been a so called casualty simulation victim for a couple of years now, playing a patient in hospitals, a victim who needs help from a first aider (both in First Aid lessons and ambulance training) and at disaster re-enactments. I used my knowledge from the Software Testing process for the benefit of being better and more structured in my casualty simulation situations. In return I got a whole bunch of tips and lessons learned that I could use within my job as software tester. Many lessons are particularly useful for software testing, but there are also lessons that are beneficial for all other disciplines in software and system development.
Nathalie Rooseboom de Vries van Delft, 2011 Technical Paper, Abstract, Paper, Slides