Harry Robinson, Microsoft
Software continues to grow more complex. Users want powerful features, they want those features to work smoothly, and they want those features delivered yesterday. Such demands make our industry a fascinating place to work, but they can make a test team’s job a difficult challenge.
It might be natural to think that elaborate test systems will solve your problems; however those tools and infrastructures impose their own costs, and can distract you from your real mission of delivering great software.
Over the past year, Bing test teams have been experimenting with a simpler approach. Turning away from monolithic test infrastructures, we are finding that lightweight automation and heuristic oracles keep our tests flexible and productive while extending the reach of our exploratory testers.
Harry’s keynote presentation will take the audience through the Bing team’s journey to simplify and improve their testing — by offering the lessons learned, strange encounters during the process, and the encouraging results observed.
2010 Keynote Speaker, Harry Robinson, Paper, Slides