Tim Lister, Atlantic Systems Guild
Most people seem to learn most comfortably by example, so this workshop will be a case study in risk management. It is a risk discovery and risk assessment workshop.
This workshop will walk the participants through the nuts and bolts of risk management for software projects. Tim will describe the Blind Faith project in its early days, and ask teams to nominate risks. With a class-built risk list in hand, the class will decide on risk mitigation strategies, risk containment strategies, or decide to accept some of the risks (and pay the price if any does become a real problem.)
To further advance the skills learned from the workshop, the participants will “fast forward” in a virtual time machine (patent pending) to talk about how the Blind Faith project is doing, decide if the risk list should be modified and or added to, and what immediate actions the group recommends.
This workshop is open to anyone who has been on a project that was under stress, doubt, and uncertainty, and therefore Tim assumes that this workshop is open to everyone.
When the workshop is completed, the attendees will be able to:
- Identify risks and uncertainties
- Understand the choices of managing risks
- Know the relationship between risk and time
- Assess the cost and probability of a risk
- Handle risk budgets
Target Audience: Intermediate to Advanced
2010 Workshop, Tim Lister, Paper, Slides, Notes, Video.