Scott Rodgers, Simplifile
Quality Assurance teams are overwhelmed with the amount of testing needed for a successful release. The answer is automated testing but easier said than done. This paper shows how to design and build an easy framework for Automation Testing using Freeware products that beginners can use to rapidly build automation for a web based product.
Upon being hired as a developer in QA to setup automated tests on a product that had been in production for over ten years with no real automated tests the amount of work far exceeded what one person could do. Other QA team members had no experience in writing automated tests. It was important to have a way to leverage their help in getting the work done.
By using TestNG, Selenium, Java, and a basic organizational style of programming to setup a framework other team members were able to quickly create automated tests. A single team member was able to create over 50 tests within 2 days to test navigation and verify the titles of the web pages. These tests used to take an hour to manually navigate the page links and are now are done in less than two minutes.
This class will instruct others on how to setup the framework and will help QA organizations with little or no automation in place to enable beginners to write tests successfully and quickly.
Target Audience: Introductory
2015 Technical Paper, Scott Rodgers, Paper, Slides, Notes, Video.