Catch the 2021 Keynotes on YouTube
Moss Drake
Moss Drake
2021 marked the second year of a fully-digital conference, and going digital means we recorded every talk. With more than 50 talks, panels, and discussions packed into two days, there’s so much you may have missed or want to revisit.
Check out PNSQC’s YouTube channel to watch all the Keynote presentations for the 2021:
Derk-Jan de Grood’s Built In Quality
Mirjana Kolarov’s Is There Room For Test Strategy in Agile
Erik Van Veenendaal’s Building on Success, Beyond the Obvious
- Ben Berry’s Managing Mission-critical Products in Flight (Literally!)
Julie Wong’s Mental Fitness is the X-Factor
Jonathon Wright’s Model Based Testing – Shifting Right into the Real World
Get inspired, learn from a speaker’s tips or insights, and share a video with your team or colleagues.