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Attend the PNSQC Quality Jam 2023!

Moss Drake


As part of our tradition for the last few years to kick off the conference year, we'll be holding our annual Quality Jam on Feb 8, 2023. The Quality Jam features a half-dozen lightning talks of 10-12 minutes as a warm-up to the October conference where we also kick off the Call for Papers. The event, to be held live at the Golden Valley Brewery in Beaverton, Oregon  will also be hybrid-virtual.

Speakers include:
  1. Alan Ark - The Evolution of You
  2. Michael Larsen - Gaming Your Systems - Testing and Improving Fitness Applications
  3. John Rutledge - Three Keys to High-Performing Teams
  4. James Shore - A FAST Way to Scale
  5. Leandro Melendez - The importance of Observability in QA
  6. Trisha Chetani - No More Blame, Prioritize the Bugs with Bug Scoring
  7. Junhe Liu - Test automation in the DevOps pipeline

To either attend in person or virtually (remote) register here.
Even if you can't attend, consider submitting an idea for a talk at the 41st Annual Pacific NW Software Quality Conference in Portland, Oregon in October.