Software Continuous Integration with Hardware

Validation and maintaining a stable code base are vital for software to be regarded as a quality product. An open question is how to ensure that the software you are developing will not be broken by another team within your organization making their own bug fixes? With limited hardware and growing business, how do we ensure the product works as expected with thousands of features being developed or already existing while new development is being done? Keeping costs down and software quality up it is necessary to test frequent and often. The overwhelming parallel development of new code along with feature enhancements, bug fixes and other modifications to existing code hardens the task of ensuring a product will function as expected. Business models may not fully support the hardware needs of teams to test a codebase appropriately to sustain high software quality. One good solution is to test periodically, use emulation, and seek out offending 'bad' code.

Paper | Presentation

Brent Clausner

My passion has been in software development since I was in High School. This lead me in the path of taking on roles in software engineering. I've taken many roles in the SDLC, developer, quality assurance, tools development, and DevSecOps.