The Test Automation Blueprint: A Case Study

We all know high-quality software results in lower cost and shorter time to market. Whether you have 1-2 Agile teams or 50+, join Lighthouse Technologies for an engaging conversation with a real-world case study including practical tips and proven principles to transform your organization. Learn how to build buy-in with your leadership, partner with your developers to help improve unit testing, shift-left, accelerate your test automation, and increase the speed and quality of delivery. Join us for an engaging and pragmatic presentation:

  1. How to engage your leadership
  2. Training manual testers to automate
  3. Core software quality and shift-left principles and tools
  4. Balancing catchup with in-flight releases
  5. Engaging with developers
  6. Reporting dashboards – cementing leadership buy-in
  7. Lessons Learned and looking forward

Jeff Van Fleet profile pictureJeff Van Fleet, President & CEO Lighthouse Technologies

Co-author of The Coach and the Geek: Building a Kick Butt Culture. After spending over 20 years managing, developing, and deploying complex software/hardware systems for both commercial and Department of Defense (DoD) applications, Jeff founded Lighthouse in 2000 with the aim of establishing a company whose customer service was only eclipsed by the quality of its work. Armed with an encyclopedic knowledge of motivational leadership tactics and a wealth of expertise in software quality assurance (QA) processes and technical leadership, he’s both a hands-on company leader and the primary architect of Lighthouse’s celebrated workplace culture. When not at work, Jeff loves spending time with his family, baking bread, cheering for Penn State, and hiking.