Greater Quality Through Tactical Domain-Driven Design

Code gets disorganized fast as projects grow. This is how the big ball of mud begins in a greenfield project where everyone thinks it will be better 'this time.' Over the course of the life of the product, the logic gets distorted in its organization such that even the developer who wrote it has a hard time navigating the structures of lines of code.  
In this talk I will draw a correlation between the benefits of UI Design, Test Design and Domain-Driven Design. Helping software not only behave better but remain a model of the domain enables future work to fold in more easily and makes testing easier to evolve. Sustained, this should prevent systems from devolving into a hard-to-maintain legacy system and keep test plans healthy.


  • The essence of Tactical Domain-Driven Design (DDD), the core ideas that anyone will be able to explain after this talk.
  • The relevance to the rest of the code base to enable other developers who do not work in the 'Business Logic' area to know better how they would work with those resources.
  • A conceptual mental model of how tests would support a DDD system and grow as the system evolves.

John Connolly

Principle of Articulate Domain and Founder of Domain-Driven Design United States. Adaptive systems designer avoiding accidental legacy creation. Fan of the recent 'Learning Domain-Driven Design' by Vlad Khononov. After leaving the US Air Force in 1997 as a Radio and Television News Reporter, held roles as a Developer, Business Analyst, Dev Manager, Product Owner and more.

Industries served are print, direct sales, banking, government, and insurance.

Experience in startup and enterprise environments.

John lives in Salem Oregon with his wife Sandy and two cats, Martini and Matisse. They head to the Oregon Coast as often as possible.