Increase Organizational Learning and Business Agility with Strategic Goal Setting and Innovation in your Testing Program

Agility testing is something historically associated with sports, and is used to measure the 'sprint forward, move laterally, and backpedal' (1999) capabilities of an athlete. Similarly, when we think about increasing our testing agility as an organization, it is important to ensure we have a strategy which allows us to continuously innovate and improve. Understanding the foundational elements which are needed, what to measure, and how to tell the story of the relentless improvement of your test program is crucial. Creating transparency to all the risk reduction activities your testing team engages in, along with the progress and impact, is critical for influencing both organizational intelligence and business agility.

Paper | Presentation

Kristine O'Connor

Kristine O’Connor has more than two decades of experience as an agile transformation leader, agile practitioner, and quality assurance professional, working across a broad range of industries and organizational sizes, including NASA, Northrop Grumman, Aetna, CVS Health, PetSmart, and Bank of America, all at various stages of their delivery and transformation efforts. Kristine strives to understand where people are at as we work together engaging in continuous improvement, building quality in with our processes, and growing the culture towards a lean-agile mindset. She takes her experience with process improvement and analyzation to best ensure we don’t cause unintentional impacts with our transformation activities. She is currently working on her Master of Science in Organizational Leadership from Arizona State University, lives in sunny Phoenix, AZ, and has a love/hate relationship with running.