Mistakes I Made So You Don't Have To

Training new people, whether testers or developers, can be quite the challenge. From using a method of teaching that doesn't work for the person to having the wrong kinds of challenges, there's plenty to go wrong. Hear about the mistakes I've made (there were lots!), and how they shaped me into being a much better mentor, responsive to the individual. Key learning points:

  • Opportunities abound in training new people, which means opportunities to mess up also abound People are not vending machines,
  • you cannot put the same words in and get the same result out
  • Learning from our mistakes makes us better humans.

Rachel Kibler

Rachel Kibler is an enthusiastic and eager tester who found testing only after forays into law and entrepreneurship. She brings her background in both analytical and creative thinking to her testing, enjoys the challenges of building something new and increasing the efficiency of testing, and is always looking for ways to improve her competence as a tester and a human. She is based in Salt Lake City, where she sings semi-professionally, knits for fun, and travels as much as she can.