Panel: Leadership in QA

the Future of Enterprise Software: Requirements, Domain Knowledge, and Beyond

Join us for a compelling panel discussion that delves into the critical aspects of enterprise software development and deployment. Our expert panelists will explore a variety of essential topics, including the art and science of capturing accurate requirements, the pivotal role of domain knowledge in regulatory compliance and safety, strategic approaches to cloud deployment, and the ever-important focus on security.

Key Discussion Points:

  1. Getting the Requirements Right: Understand the methodologies and best practices in requirements engineering to ensure that software meets its intended purpose effectively.
  2. Importance of Domain Knowledge: Discuss how deep domain expertise, particularly in regulatory and safety-critical environments, influences the development process and outcomes.
  3. Cloud Deployment Strategies: Explore the advantages and challenges associated with deploying enterprise applications in the cloud, including scalability, cost-effectiveness, and integration complexities.
  4. Security Imperatives: Examine the latest in security protocols and measures that are critical to safeguarding enterprise software against evolving threats.

Panel Objectives:

  • Educate on the end-to-end value chain of software quality, highlighting how each phase contributes to the final product's success and the broader business goals.
  • Illuminate career pathways beyond traditional testing roles, such as in areas of compliance, security analysis, and cloud solutions architecture, providing attendees insights into expanding their professional horizons.

Ying Ki Kwong profile pictureModerator: Ying Ki Kwong, PNSQC

Ying Ki Kwong is the E-Government Program Manager in the Office of the State CIO in Oregon state government. Prior to this role, he was Statewide QA Program Manager, IT Investment Oversight Coordinator, and Project Office Manager of the Medicaid Management Information System Project.

In the private sector, he was CEO of a Hong Kong-based internet B2B portal for trading commodities futures and metals. He was a program manager in the Video & Networking Division of Tektronix, responsible for worldwide applications & channels marketing for a line of video servers in broadcast television applications. In these roles, he managed software systems / applications, products, and business process improvements.

He received the doctorate from the School of Applied & Engineering Physics at Cornell University and was adjunct faculty in the School of Business Administration at Portland State University.  He holds certifications in PMP, ITIL, and IT Service Management. He is a board member of PNSQC.

Jeff Sing profile picturePanelist: Jeff Sing

Ron Wilson profile picturePanelist: Ron Wilson

John Connolly profile picturePanelist: John Connolly