Inside Scoop on Risk-Based Testing

Prioritizing tests based on risk is an essential aspect of all testing rather than a separate testing technique. Why then do so many people mistakenly think of it as something separate to be used only when your testing back is against the wall? Moreover, many find that conventional descriptions of how to assess and prioritize risk don't work in the real world. In this eye-opening interactive webinar, testing thought leader Robin Goldsmith reveals why typical risk approaches fall short and ways to make them actually work.

  • What the conventional view of risk-based testing is and why it's wrong.
  • How to take advantage of the fact that all testing is risk-based.
  • Comparative value of various ways to assess risk for testing.

Robin Goldsmith

Robin Goldsmith, JD works directly with and trains business and project professionals to get the right results right. One of few with legitimate credentials in Quality Assurance/Testing, Business Analysis/Requirements, and Process/Project Management, he is author of Discovering REAL Business Requirements for Software Project Success and the forthcoming Cut CreepWrite Right Agile User Stories and Acceptance Tests. A prominent thought leader and featured speaker, he has contributed to international standards for software testing, software quality assurance, and software acquisition and was a subject expert for BABOK v2 and TechTarget's Reach him at