Leveraging Principles from Wiring The Winning Organization for Organizational Transformation
Problem: Organizations often have processes in place but they are either not followed or not regularly reviewed and updated. This often causes process issues which lead to frustration, inconsistency and deliverable dates getting missed.
Solution: Leverage the principles found in Wiring the Winning Organization to change how the organization operates to achieve success. These principles are being applied at Powin and initial results are promising.
Three Layers:
- Layer 1: The technical objects we create or enhance.
- Layer 2: The tools we use.
- Layer 3: The social circuitry such as processes, procedures, and collaboration norms to organize our efforts.
Three Mechanisms:
- Slowification: make problems easier to solve
- Simplification: make problems simpler to solve
- Amplification: make it obvious there are problems that demand attention and whether they have been seen and solved Review of Case Studies
After the presentation the audience will have the ability to use these principles at their organization and apply them to achieve organizational transformation.
Paper | Presentation
Ron Wilson
I am a strategic, analytical, collaborative, transformational executive with over 20 years of experience leading globally distributed quality assurance teams across a variety of industries. I have achieved an exceptional track record of ensuring quality systems are delivered into production. I lead people, managing by example, inspiring them to achieve stellar results. I believe business processes must be created and modified using metrics to gauge individual and team performance.