Transformation path for Tests and CI-CD when moving applications from data center to a public cloud

As part of the modernization effort, more and more companies are making the journey from a co-located data center to a more convenient, on-demand, self-serviced and rapidly provisioned cloud environment for better ownership and control. This change of ownership has multiple consequences depending on the strategy used for the journey like; Lift and Shift, or a full rewrite of the code or a more evolutionary path.

Any approach would introduce a substantial number of differences from the way how the products and services function today. Engineering needs to make the applications auto-scalable, highly available, self-healed, and easy to upgrade and deploy. The solutions would include making a choice between IaaS/PaaS/SaaS services, making current applications & services cloud native and leveraging native cloud solutions for Monitoring and Observability. The most important change introduced by cloud-native applications is a fully-automated code/test/deploy/monitor process. It is probably the most expensive and difficult element of the change and transformation.

There will always be the nagging question 'Is the transformation to this new world better than what we had before?'. To achieve this transformation with high level of confidence, the automated testing needs to evolve to take advantage of the on-demand and self-serviced method of working.

Join PNSQC 2022 Award Winner Amol Patil as he examines the challenges of porting from a data center to a public cloud.

Paper | Presentation

Amol Patil

Software Engineering leader with experience in leading and scaling distributed engineering teams to deliver high quality customer focused solutions. Experience in hiring and building geographically distributed teams with strong ownership and morale. Achieved high automation levels and shorter lead times using CICD, improved productivity and ultimately improved customer confidence and building corporate value. Experience in many markets; Cyber Security, Healthcare, IoT, PLM, Mobile and cloud platforms and delivering new products and platform integration's using any cloud based DevOps infrastructure leveraging Docker, Terraform and Kubernetes.