W1(AM): Leveraging the Power of AI in Software Testing: A Hands-On Workshop

Abstract: The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in software testing can help to improve the quality and speed of software testing. This workshop is designed to provide software testers, ranging from novice to experienced, with an understanding of how AI can be used in software testing and to expose them to the potential biases and weaknesses of AI in testing. Participants will be taken through a series of hands-on exercises that will demonstrate the power of AI in testing throughout the software development lifecycle. Key learning points: The power of AI in testing through hands-on exercises Potential biases and weaknesses of AI in testing Skills to evaluate and use AI in testing in their work.

Rachel and Carl Kibler

Rachel Kibler is an enthusiastic and eager tester who found testing only after forays into law and entrepreneurship. She brings her background in both analytical and creative thinking to her testing, enjoys the challenges of building something new and increasing the efficiency of testing, and is always looking for ways to improve her competence as a tester and a human. She is based in Salt Lake City, where she sings semi-professionally, knits for fun, and travels as much as she can. Carl Kibler enjoys building software with empathy as a core fundamental. He runs teams the same way and gets great results from both. Over his 20 years as a tester, engineer, architect, and head of engineering, he has helped grow great engineers who build excellent software.